What is Cystitis?

Eimear Nee, the Allcare Pharmacy trainer, chats about common cystitis symptoms and her top tips for managing them.


What is Cystitis?

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. The inflammation is usually caused by a bacterial infection in the bladder and is also called a urinary tract infection (UTI).


Is it common in males and females?

Cystitis occurs more often in women than men because the urethra (the tube that passes from the bladder out of the body) is shorter in women. Also, the opening of the urethra is positioned close to the anus in women. This allows bacteria to pass into the bladder more easily which can lead to an infection.


Cystitis is most common in pregnant women, post-menopausal women, and sexually active women. Cystitis is less frequently experienced by men and it can potentially be more serious.


What are common Cystitis symptoms?

The most common symptoms of cystitis include:

  • An urgent and frequent need to urinate
  • Pain or stinging when passing urine


There may also be:

  • Dark, cloudy, or strong-smelling urine
  • Pain or pressure in the lower abdomen
  • Blood in the urine
  • A general feeling of unwellness, mild grade fever


Mild cases of cystitis will often get better by themselves within a few days. If you are experiencing mild cystitis symptoms for less than 3 days, you have had a diagnosis of cystitis in the past and you are confident your symptoms are the same, there are some ‘self-help’ tips below which may provide relief.


Eimear’s top ‘self-help’ tips for managing Cystitis:

  • Drink plenty of water: Although the evidence to support this advice in cystitis is not strong, drinking water is generally good for overall health
  • Use heat therapy e.g. a hot water bottle or heat pad, held at the site of pain can provide relief
  • Take pain killers if required e.g. paracetamol or ibuprofen
  • Go to the toilet when the urge arises
  • Avoid sex until the infection clears
  • Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol until the infection clears
  • Avoid the use of feminine intimate cleansing products
  • Wipe from front to back after emptying bowels


Are there any products that may help?

Cystopurin (potassium citrate) is a pharmacy product available ‘over the counter. It may help to relieve symptoms of mild cystitis.

  • Cystopurin works to make the urine less acidic thereby helping to relieve symptoms.
  • It is suitable for adults and children aged 6 years plus.
  • A two-day course is provided in a pack.
  • If you have a heart condition or if you take medicines for your heart, blood pressure, or any other condition, you should speak to the pharmacist or your doctor before taking this product.


Cranberry supplements, which you may find in the vitamin and supplement section of your pharmacy, have traditionally been used to treat and prevent recurrent cystitis.

  • Although the evidence to support the use of cranberry supplements is not strong, many people find them effective.
  • If you take other medicines, check with your pharmacist before taking a cranberry supplement, as it may interfere with some other medicines e.g. warfarin.


When do I need to see a doctor for Cystitis?

If you are experiencing cystitis symptoms for the first time or if you feel generally unwell, you should see your doctor or avail of the Allcare Online Doctor Service. You may be prescribed a short course of antibiotics such as trimethoprim, to help clear the infection.


You should also see your doctor or the Allcare Online Doctor service if:

  • Your symptoms do not improve within three days
  • You have experienced many episodes of cystitis
  • Your symptoms are severe e.g. blood in urine or fever
  • You are pregnant
  • You are male
  • Children with cystitis symptoms should always be seen by their doctor


Can Cystitis lead to any other issues?

Cystitis can lead to the development of a kidney infection in some cases. If the infection spreads to the kidneys, this requires treatment with antibiotics as soon as possible. Signs of a kidney infection include a high temperature, shivering, chills, lower back pain/pain in the side, loss of appetite, and vomiting in some cases.


Our Allcare Pharmacy teams are experienced in offering advice on the management of cystitis symptoms. Speak to your local Allcare Pharmacy team should you have any questions on this condition.